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Queer Coffee Events

Queer Coffee Folx Building Community

Our Mission

QC: Queer Coffee Events is an event organization for queer people and allies in coffee to build community, have fun, and learn.


We support and amplify queer coffee workers in all sectors from all backgrounds, including but not limited to people who are transgender, nonbinary, gender-nonconforming, gay/lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, intersex, two-spirit, and asexual, especially folx from those groups who are also people of color, indigenous people, immigrants, and/or people with disabilities.


We also provide space and support for other groups of non-queer marginalized coffee people to build community; events will always be queer-centered rather than queer-only in order to make the space safe for those who are not yet out and those who otherwise share our mission.


Our Mission

Code of Conduct


Harassment, Bigotry, & Discrimination


At QC events, no harassment, bigotry, or discrimination of any kind will be tolerated, whether in word or image. If you feel that anyone violates this policy in any way, please talk to an event organizer immediately; we will assess the situation right away and, depending on specifics, we will either educate and mediate (in situations where that truly is all that’s required, we will not treat our community members as disposable) or remove the offending person, but the situation must be resolved in a way that does not leave attendees feeling vulnerable or unsafe. Before the event, you must make clear who the point person is in resolving these issues. If any attendee ever feels that an issue was not handled appropriately, they should email RJ Joseph directly at


Gendering Others


Because QC will always hold queer-centered events, we want to create an environment where people state their correct pronouns. Events should provide name tags on which attendees should write their pronouns as well as their names. Do not ever assume people’s gender or pronouns. Look at their name tag for their correct pronouns, and if they don’t have one, avoid pronouns and, if necessary, use they/them or ask.


If someone’s pronouns are not they/them and they either have correct pronouns on their name tag or tell you their correct pronouns, do not continue to use they/them—unless those are an attendee’s actual pronouns, continuing to use them once you know correct pronouns is a form of microaggression.


Additionally, do not assume that because someone uses a certain pronoun that that correlates to a particular gender; for instance, just because an attendee uses she/her pronouns, that does not mean they necessarily identify female and you should not refer to them as such.




Attendees are not allowed to interrogate whether other attendees are queer or not. If a conflict occurs and an attendee feels unsafe, they should go find an organizer.


Diversity in Panels, Judges, & Other Centered Voices


As much as possible, events must center a diverse array of speakers, judges, or panelists. All speakers, judges, and panelists should identify queer, but among those people, events should try to include people of color, trans people, nonbinary people, ESL speakers, and people with disabilities. Even though all events center queer people, that does not mean events are automatically diverse.


Use of Scents


To maximize disability access, attendees should refrain from wearing any scents.



Our next event will take place in Boston on June 24th. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for details.


For more information about past events, check out our events pages:

QC: Emeryville


To Host an Event

Code of Conduct
To Host an Event

To host a QC event, contact us at to plan it out. In order to host one, you’ll have to adhere to QC’s Code of Conduct and Promotional Material Guidelines.


Promotional Material Guidelines


In order to host a QC event you must label various types of accessibility on your promotional materials, including:


  • Wheelchair access

  • Presence of scents in the space for people who are scent-sensitive

  • Allergens if food and drinks are served

  • Whether or not there will be alcohol

  • If an event is content-based, whether or not there will be interpretation for non-English speakers and those who are deaf or hard of hearing

  • Whether or not there may be presence of police in the area


You must also post our Code of Conduct and make sure to state who to contact/pull aside in case of an issue. On physical posters, this can be done through stating that people visit your Facebook event for accessibility details.


All event promotional language has to be cleared with us for inclusivity.




If you’re hosting an event and want QC to promote your event, you must abide by our Code of Conduct and Promotional Material Guidelines. If you’re interested, email RJ Joseph at with details.


If you'd like to support QC, donate to our YouCaring


For information or inquiries contact us at

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